Why Do I Fall Asleep After Eating Sweets ??

Why Do I Fall Asleep After Eating Sweets

An American Doctor Dr.Farizani

Did you know that one in ten Americans has diabetes? There is only one person out of ten who has diabetes. It means only a few family members or friends have diabetes. But in 2023, According to research, the number of diabetes patients increased in this country (Ameria).

Because you are reading this article, maybe you are worried about your health or worried about you having diabetes.

Maybe you have noticed some other symptoms of diabetes as well as you noticed you “Why do I fall asleep after eating sweets” or maybe you are wondering if “falling asleep after eating is a sign of diabetes ?” Learn about all these questions here. Let’s move to our topic.

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What Happened With You When You Eat Sweets 


We can also say that “What happens to your body  when you eat sugar ?” When you eat sweets, or we can say that when you consume a lot of sugar, then your body absorbs the sugar quickly into the bloodstream and in this way your blood sugar levels increase, when this happens your body releases insulin from the pancreas. This insulin helps to move this sugar from our blood into the cells. Later we use this sugar as energy.

After some time, your blood sugar level should return to normal level. But if you constantly consume sugary products and use them in large quantities, your body can become less sensitive to insulin. When this condition occurs, it becomes difficult for our cells to take up sugar from the blood, If our cells don’t get sugar, it stays in our blood, which can cause our blood sugar levels up.

Sugar does not directly cause diabetes. But when we use too much sugar it can contribute to gaining weight and obesity. These factors are the main factors that develop type 2 diabetes. So we use sugary products in the limit

 Why Do I Fall Asleep When I Eat Too Much Sugar?

Are you curious about knowing that it’s normal to feel sleepy after eating?  Well, it’s simple, and the short answer is this is a sign of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which your body has trouble regulating your blood sugar levels.

When we eat sugar products or something else, a hormone called insulin is released from our body. Insulin helps convert these sugary products into energy. But if you have diabetes, your body will not release insulin as much as it needs.

Therefore, if you have diabetes and feel tired after eating, the reason is that either your blood sugar level is too high or too low. If your body does not use insulin properly, the energy level in your body will decrease. If your body lacks energy, you will feel tired, which will make you sleepy.

It does not mean you have diabetes if you feel sleepy after eating a meal. There might be other reasons for feeling sleepy.

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Too much Eating

Sometimes it happens that the food is too good, and one eats too much. Due to excess food, our body gets loaded which is a bit difficult for our body to digest, it requires a lot of energy and it leads to fall asleep.

Food Choices

Certain foods make us feel more tired than others. For example, if you eat salad, your energy level will increase after eating it, but if you eat something boiled, your blood sugar level will suddenly increase and then drop, which  Will lead to Fatigue.

Consuming Less Water

If you eat too much food and don’t drink water before or between meals, or if you drink too little water, your body may feel tired. And this will dehydrate your body. It is important for the body to consume as much water as the body requires.

Use The Sugary Products in Limit


If you feel that you feel sleepy when you eat sweets. It is best that you skip these sweets. There are many yummy snacks in the market, that you can use, Which have fewer side effects and you don’t sleep with them, but if you can’t leave these sweets, make a plan for your meals and use them only once a day and in limit for example use only 150 calories or max 200 calories a day. In this way, you can control your diet and away from diabetes. 

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Strategies For Preventing Post Meal Fatigue

  1. Avoid eating too much meals at once. 
  2. Space out your meals for 1 to 2 hours.
  3. Do not eat a big meal right before going to bed.

If you do not follow this it might make you feel tired the next day.

Using Too Much Sugar In Daily Routine 

According to an American heart doctor, we should consume 100 to 150 calories a day. If we consume more sugar than this, health issues may increase. If we consume more of it, it will have a negative effect on our metabolism, weight management, and gut, which will lead to many health issues.

Symptoms of Diabetes

If you are facing these signs you should go to the doctor for a checkup.

  • Feeling Hungry
  • Frequent Urination
  • Feeling Thirst unusually
  • Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred Vision
  • Healing Slow
  • Tingling
  • Recurrent Infections
  • Mouth and skin Dry

It’s possible that you may not have all of these symptoms and have diabetes, but if you have any or all of these symptoms, it’s best to see a doctor.

Last Words

Feeling sleepy after eating is a sign of diabetes, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have diabetes. Some of these are symptoms that appear due to overeating or not properly caring for health If you want your life to be enjoyable, healthy, and disease-free, then take care of your life. Eat as much as needed. Use more water. Try to reduce sugar from your life, and if you see any such symptoms, consult your doctor. Because life only comes once, take care of it. Good luck.

Feature image from canva.com

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