Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?

People who eat a lot of sweets such as chocolate, cookies, ice cream, candies, and all kinds of other sweets, often ask a question: why do my teeth hurt when I eat sweets? And this question is exactly right for those people who like sweets. And this is a common problem for those people. In this article, I will explain all the problems and solutions that are related to this question. Let’s move to our topic.

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Reasons why your teeth hurt when you eat sweets

There are several reasons that cause this problem, some of which we will discuss here.

Tooth Decay (Cavity)

We use sugary foods and drinks in our daily life, but some people consume too much sugar in the form of sweets and other sweets products. Using too much sweets can lead to tooth decay. It is caused by a bacteria that is present in our mouth. When we eat sugary things, some of it get stuck in the spaces between our teeth and When bacteria in the mouth break them down, they produce acid. This acid takes away the shine of the teeth, which causes our teeth to start decaying. Or we can say that due to this, cavities start forming in our teeth. These bacteria produce more acid when we eat a lot of sugary products. This acid increases the cavity which causes your teeth to deteriorate/ damage.

Tooth can pain by Dental Work issue

If you have crowns or fillings on your teeth or any other work done, this can also cause pain and discomfort in your teeth. For example, if you have had your teeth filled somewhere, the filling material can become loose or damaged, which can cause pain in your teeth. Also, if you have crowns on them, if they don’t fit well over your teeth, this can cause problems whenever you eat foods like sweets and other sugary products.

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If your teeth are very sensitive, this sugary food can increase the sensitivity of your teeth even more. Sensitivity can have many reasons, or many factors may be involved. As if the inner layer of your teeth is very soft which starts bleeding from eating a little hard food, enamel erosion, gum recession, or worn tooth enamel. All these can cause pain in your teeth. Whenever you eat something with a temperature like ice cream or something hot, this pain will start immediately.

Gum Disease

Eating sweets in excess amounts can lead to gum disease. Sugary foods have those materials that build plaque in our mouth or teeth. It is formed when we consume sweets but do not take good care of our teeth due to which this material gets stuck in our teeth. That creates plaque. This plaque can irritate your gums and this thing leads to in gum disease. This will cause your gums to swell, inflammation, infection and bleeding, and this can affect you very badly and make them very painful. This is especially true when you eat something sweet.

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There are many reasons why your teeth may start to hurt suddenly or slowly and sometimes at night or there are many events where you may experience this pain.

Solutions to Your Question: Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?

Brushing Whenever you eat Sugary Products

The simplest and easiest way is every time you eat chocolate, cookies, biscuits, sweet ice cream, or any other sugary product, clean your teeth properly by brushing with toothpaste and as much as possible. Remove the sugary product that is stuck on your teeth by eating it so that the bacteria in your mouth can’t break it down and when the bacteria can’t use it, no acid will come out of it. In this way, we can save our teeth without any damage and without any treatment.

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Filling the Teeth

If you have a cavity in your teeth, there are many solutions, but the best solution is to get it filled. This will keep you away from the pain for a long time, and you will be able to eat your favorite foods again but caution is necessary.

Dental Bonding

If your teeth are very broken, sometimes it happens when our molars are not only hollow inside but also broken on the sides, then you should try dental bonding.

Gingivitis and periodontal

Gingivitis and periodontal disease, if present, can be addressed by thorough cleaning and scaling. During this process, we remove and scrap all the plaque from the teeth and also use some antibiotics that relieve pain.

Sensitivity(Teeth Whitening)

In the case of sensitivity disease, when you get treatment once. This means after getting teeth whitening done, if it is not properly avoided, it can happen again. It is a temporary remedy, the solution of which is to completely avoid sweets and sugary things, as well as avoid cold and hot things.


If you want to get a solution to this problem you can follow these tips. These will help you to prevent the pain when you eat sugary food.

  • Avoid the sugar this will protect you from the cavity in your tooth.
  • If you smoke or take any other drug, try to quit.
  • Brush at least twice a day.
  • Try to avoid alcohol if you do.
  • If you have consumed sugary food or drinks that are high in carbohydrates, make sure to brush your teeth after eating.
  • If you have any kind of decay in your teeth, contact the doctor.

When should we go to the doctor?

  • If you have cavities in your teeth, you should see a doctor.
  • If you have inflammation in your teeth, you should see a doctor.
  • If the teeth are bleeding, you should see a doctor.
  • After the dental filling is finished, you should return for treatment.

Final Thoughts

When teeth are damaged or have sensitivity, they can hurt you when you are eating or drinking, especially when you are eating something sugary. We have discussed in detail many reasons and causes and their treatment. If you feel pain for any reason, you should immediately contact the nearest doctor. If you protect your teeth, it will keep your teeth healthy for a long time. If your teeth are healthy, you can enjoy all kinds of sweets, food, and whatever you eat.


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